

Sophomore Animation Final
This was my sophomore animation final that I didn’t have time to render. It made it into the end of the year animation show. For five years it's been taking place within the beautiful Nelson Atkins Museum. From what I've seen, there is always a great turn out. Our professor, Doug Hudson, made this an animation tradition that is looked forward to. Many students wanted to submit to the show, but didn’t finish their film on time, so Doug decided to mix it up a bit. Starting this Fall, we are going to have a beginning of the semester show for all those that finished their animations, or created new ones, over the summer.

Old Sophomore Reel

Reel from Clarice Elliott on Vimeo.
I'm currently working on a new reel with some new stuff and minus the drawings at the end.


This was done in charcoal last year during my first semester of animation. I like the concept, but it was my first time working with charcoal and I nearly lost my mind! Hopefully, someday I will redo it.

*Also, I'm going to be in some music soon*